You are here: 5. Job Costing > 5.5. ESTIMATES Menu: Micronet Estimating System > 5.5.3. Estimates - Manufactured Estimate > Managing Manufactured Estimates > Estimate Manufactured Job Entry - Edit - Item / Text / Labour
Estimate Manufactured Job Entry - Edit - Item / Text / Labour

When you first create a manufactured estimate, Micronet defaults to item edit mode so you enter materials for the estimate. You can change this to text edit mode so you enter free text for the estimate, or to labour edit mode so you enter labour for the estimate.


Technical Tip

You toggle between the ITEM, TEXT and LABOUR menu options. When you select one, a tick appears next to it and the other options are toggled off.

To select whether to enter items, text or labour for a manufactured estimate:

  1. Display the Estimate Manufactured Job Entry screen.

Refer to "Managing Manufactured Estimates".

  1. If you want to manage items for the estimate, select EDIT | ITEM.

This option is selected by default. When you select the Add or Insert buttons on the Estimate Manufactured Job Entry screen, Micronet displays the Add Items to Estimate screen.

Refer to "Adding Materials to a Manufactured Estimate".

  1. If you want to manage text for the estimate, select EDIT | TEXT.

Now when you select the Add or Insert buttons on the Estimate Manufactured Job Entry screen, Micronet displays the Add Text screen instead of the Add Items to Estimate screen.

Refer to "Adding Text to a Manufactured Estimate".

  1. If you want to manage labour for the estimate, select EDIT | LABOUR.

Now when you select the Add or Insert buttons on the Estimate Manufactured Job Entry screen, Micronet displays the Add Labour to Estimate screen instead of the Add Items to Estimate screen.

Refer to "Adding Labour to a Manufactured Estimate".